mental health

Supporting Yourself and Loved Ones Through Mental Health Challenges: A Guide for Mental Health Awareness Month

Supporting Yourself and Loved Ones Through Mental Health Challenges: A Guide for Mental Health Awareness Month

May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the significance of mental health and the support systems needed for those of us who are grappling with negative aspects of it. Mental health struggles can be isolating, overwhelming, intensely confusing, and often invisible to the naked eye. Yet, amidst the darkness, there can be light in the form of empathy, understanding, and unwavering support from loved ones. When we speak about mental health, we often only highlight the down sides of mental health struggles, and forget to mention the incredibly positive impact taking care of and supporting our mental health can have. 

Unraveling the Misconceptions: Understanding Neurodivergence in ADHD and Autism

Unraveling the Misconceptions: Understanding Neurodivergence in ADHD and Autism

Unraveling the Misconceptions: Understanding Neurodivergence in ADHD and Autism

April 2nd is World Autism Day, and since we work with many adults with diverse diagnoses, we wanted to shed some light on neurodivergent conditions like Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and how they’re commonly misunderstood. You probably know plenty of neurodivergent people and don’t even realize it, or maybe you’ll see some of your own traits in this blog! The term neurodivergent is an umbrella term that describes people who have different neurological abilities from those who are considered “typical” (though we don’t love that terminology since everyone’s brains are wildly different from one another!), which includes both ADHD and ASD. These conditions, though widely recognized, are often surrounded by misconceptions that can lead to stigma and alienation. 

Celebrating Black History Month: Addressing Mental Health Disparities in the Black Community

Celebrating Black History Month: Addressing Mental Health Disparities in the Black Community

Celebrating Black History Month: Addressing Mental Health Disparities in the Black Community

As February unfolds, the United States embarks on a month-long celebration of Black history, a time to honor and recognize the countless contributions, sacrifices, and ongoing difficulties faced by Black Americans throughout history. While it's essential to commemorate achievements and milestones, it is equally crucial to address the challenges faced by the Black community. One such pressing issue is the mental health disparities that persist, underscoring the need for awareness, understanding, and advocacy.

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

The art of setting boundaries is one that many struggle with, but is a necessary and fundamental life skill that leads to healthy assertiveness, self-confidence, agency, and a positive self-image. Before we can set boundaries, we must identify the behaviors we deem acceptable and those we do not, and make decisions from there that prioritize our well-being without harming others. Essentially, boundaries connect the space where our individuality ends and the realm of others begins. Mastering this skill empowers us to navigate interpersonal dynamics with clarity and ensures a healthy balance between our own personal needs and social interactions that involve others. The good news is that setting boundaries is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned, practiced, and honed. Even better, the techniques for boundary setting are quite straightforward once you know where to begin.

Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help with My Anxiety?

Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help with My Anxiety?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: What is it, how does it work, and can it help my anxiety?

The demands and uncertainties of daily life can often take a toll on our mental health, especially as we kick off the new year, work/school responsibilities pick back up, and the holidays come to an end. During this time, the need for effective tools to alleviate anxiety becomes increasingly crucial. In our practice, many therapists are trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a widely recognized and evidence-based therapeutic approach, which stands at the forefront in empowering our clients to manage and overcome anxiety. What does it really mean and is it the right therapy for you?

Tired of Failing at New Year's Resolutions? Here’s a Simple and Effective Strategy to Set You Up For Success Instead.

Tired of Failing at New Year's Resolutions? Here’s a Simple and Effective Strategy to Set You Up For Success Instead.

Tired of Failing at New Year's Resolutions? Here’s a Simple and Effective Strategy to Set You up for Success Instead.

As we head into a new year, you might start to think about New Year's Resolutions to help you reach the goals you want to achieve in the year ahead. That works well for some of us, but what about those of us who have the best intentions but end up falling short of our goals year after year? The research says to start with why you want to pursue those particular goals.

Navigating Holiday Stresses: Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness for Young Adults

Navigating Holiday Stresses: Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness for Young Adults

Navigating Holiday Stresses: Unleashing the Power of Mindfulness for Young Adults

As you gear up for the holiday season, the whirlwind of family gatherings, hometown nostalgia, and the seemingly endless calendar full of festivities can sometimes be overwhelming. Amidst the chaos, introducing mindfulness into your routine can be a game-changer, offering a way to find balance and presence to counter the heightened anxieties. 

Managing Sobriety and Alcohol Moderation During the Holiday Season

Managing Sobriety and Alcohol Moderation During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is often associated with good food, family time, and, unfortunately for some, an abundance of alcohol. Particularly in large cities like New York City, where few people drive cars, the expectation to overindulge can be commonplace. For those who have chosen a path of moderation or abstinence from alcohol, the holidays can present unique challenges and increased exposure to triggers, increasing anxiety for many. In this blog, we will explore strategies for both alcohol moderation and abstinence, while also delving into the concept of "California sober." Additionally, we will provide valuable resources for individuals seeking support in alcohol and drug rehabilitation.

Being a Therapist During Times of Global Crisis

Being a Therapist During Times of Global Crisis

Being a Therapist During Times of Global Crisis

Since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, the nature of my work as a therapist has shifted. Over the past week I’ve sat with my Jewish and Palestinian clients as they mourned the lives of the people lost in Israel and Gaza. I’ve tried to hold space for them to process the fear, pain, loneliness, and helplessness that they’ve described to me. It seems that there are no words that appropriately describe the suffering of members of the Jewish and Palestinian communities at this time, because no words exist that really seem to cover it. And it’s not just today, right now, or these specific terrorist attacks. The world can seem as though it is constantly under attack from all sides, which can make all of us feel helpless, whether or not we’re trained providers.

How to Manage Burnout and Take Care of Yourself Better

How to Manage Burnout and Take Care of Yourself Better



While burnout is a symptom of a stressor, we often can’t entirely eliminate the stressors present in our life. So, learning how to manage the impact of stress and prioritize our well-being is the best way to manage and reduce burnout. Go to Part 1 to review what burnout is, how to spot it, and what causes it!

What is Burnout, What Does it Look Like, and What Does it Mean?

What is Burnout, What Does it Look Like, and What Does it Mean?



By now you’ve probably heard of burnout. In our culture of wellness and self-care trends, we are often told that if we buy this new lotion, pay for a massage or a facial, or attend a retreat we can cure our burnout. And while that may be true, these quick fixes don’t often address the underlying causes of burnout and address the lifestyle changes that can help us reduce and prevent further burnout. 

Understanding How Social Media Can Impact Your Mental Health & How To Reduce Its Negative Impact

Understanding How Social Media Can Impact Your Mental Health & How To Reduce Its Negative Impact

Understanding How Social Media Can Impact Your Mental Health & How To Reduce Its Negative Impact

In this day and age, most of us spend many hours a day on social media. While there are many benefits to social media, including increased information sharing and maintaining connection with more friends and family, it can have a variety of detrimental impacts on our minds and bodies.

I’m Considering Beginning or Restarting Therapy - What Can I Expect?

I’m Considering Beginning or Restarting Therapy - What Can I Expect?

Beginning or returning to therapy can be a nerve-wracking experience. Taking this step is something to be proud of. You are engaging in conscious and intentional work to ask for help and to begin to build a stronger support system and understanding of yourself. While therapeutic experiences differ across practices and providers, we can provide you a glimpse into what you can expect when you begin online therapy here at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective.

Improving LGBTQIA+ Mental Health & Being a Better Ally

Improving LGBTQIA+ Mental Health & Being a Better Ally

It's Pride Month, and we want to use this opportunity to stand alongside the community and spread awareness around the LGBTQIA+ mental health challenges resulting from discrimination. LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive term that includes people of all genders and sexualities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and allies. While each letter in LGBTQIA+ stands for a specific group of people, the term encompasses the entire spectrum of gender fluidity and sexual identities.

How to Take Charge of Your Mental Health and Overcome Anxiety as a Woman in Today’s World

How to Take Charge of Your Mental Health and Overcome Anxiety as a Woman in Today’s World

You are a determined woman. You know how to work hard to reach your goals and make stuff happen. You're experiencing a lot of success in different areas of your life, but you can't help wishing things felt better, that you felt better. The thought of letting others know what you've known all along—that you don't have it all figured out even though you look like you do—may make you feel sick to your stomach, but you're not sure how much longer you can keep faking it.

What Role is Trauma & Its Ongoing Impact Having On Your Life?

What Role is Trauma & Its Ongoing Impact Having On Your Life?

You may read the title above and think this article isn't for you because you haven't experienced trauma in your life, but we encourage you to keep reading. Some of our clients show up seeking help for trauma they've experienced, but many more show up to therapy for help with things like anxiety, depression, work-life balance, or managing relationships. Through our work together, we uncover they've experienced trauma that plays into their experiences and the perception they have of themselves and the world. As a result, they feel validated as they gain awareness and understanding of how these experiences truly impact them on a daily basis.

Am I Depressed? How to Recognize & Overcome Depression in Women

Am I Depressed? How to Recognize & Overcome Depression in Women

Let's get right to the point—research is finding 1 in every 3 adults in America is experiencing depression. The statistics are alarming but understandable in light of what has transpired in the world in the past two years. A lack of energy, increased anxiety, sadness, and overwhelm are feelings most of us have experienced since the start of the pandemic. They are also signs of depression. If you aren't feeling like yourself anymore or haven't in a long time, this article is for you.

Can Stress Damage Our Brains? 5 Brain Healthy Activities to Do Daily

Can Stress Damage Our Brains? 5 Brain Healthy Activities to Do Daily

Can stress actually physically change our brains? What really happens to our brains when we're stressed?

We tend to move throughout our day and lives without giving much thought to our brain and brain health. We know it's there, we assume it's working and doing the job it needs to, and we don't think much about it until there is a problem that forces us to. But understanding how our brain works under stress can help us better understand how to manage it and keep it healthy now and in the future.

10 Things You Can Do to Overcome Anxiety in 2022

10 Things You Can Do to Overcome Anxiety in 2022

The past two years have been filled with events and world circumstances that have pushed anxiety levels to the max. On top of that, we're all still facing the common obstacles and life situations that can cause anxiety, such as relationships, careers, and finances. If you're starting to feel like it's all too much and there seems to be no end in sight, we're here for you.