virtual counseling

Making Friends with Your Anxiety

Making Friends with Your Anxiety

Making Friends with Your Anxiety

For many of us, anxiety is the gremlin that follows us around in the shadows, always ready to flare up and accost us when we’re at our most vulnerable. You might know the pattern: you’re already worrying about the presentation, the meet-up, or the family event, when suddenly a switch is tripped, your nervous system kicks into overdrive, and your rational thoughts are hijacked by fear and dread.

Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help with My Anxiety?

Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help with My Anxiety?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: What is it, how does it work, and can it help my anxiety?

The demands and uncertainties of daily life can often take a toll on our mental health, especially as we kick off the new year, work/school responsibilities pick back up, and the holidays come to an end. During this time, the need for effective tools to alleviate anxiety becomes increasingly crucial. In our practice, many therapists are trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a widely recognized and evidence-based therapeutic approach, which stands at the forefront in empowering our clients to manage and overcome anxiety. What does it really mean and is it the right therapy for you?

Managing Sobriety and Alcohol Moderation During the Holiday Season

Managing Sobriety and Alcohol Moderation During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is often associated with good food, family time, and, unfortunately for some, an abundance of alcohol. Particularly in large cities like New York City, where few people drive cars, the expectation to overindulge can be commonplace. For those who have chosen a path of moderation or abstinence from alcohol, the holidays can present unique challenges and increased exposure to triggers, increasing anxiety for many. In this blog, we will explore strategies for both alcohol moderation and abstinence, while also delving into the concept of "California sober." Additionally, we will provide valuable resources for individuals seeking support in alcohol and drug rehabilitation.

Ways to Get the Most Out of Teletherapy and Online Counseling

Ways to Get the Most Out of Teletherapy and Online Counseling

Ways to Get the Most Out of Teletherapy and Online Counseling

To make online therapy more effective, try to mimic the best things about your in-person sessions and get creative with some other aspects by using the following 3 techniques.