
Supporting Yourself and Loved Ones Through Mental Health Challenges: A Guide for Mental Health Awareness Month

Supporting Yourself and Loved Ones Through Mental Health Challenges: A Guide for Mental Health Awareness Month

May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the significance of mental health and the support systems needed for those of us who are grappling with negative aspects of it. Mental health struggles can be isolating, overwhelming, intensely confusing, and often invisible to the naked eye. Yet, amidst the darkness, there can be light in the form of empathy, understanding, and unwavering support from loved ones. When we speak about mental health, we often only highlight the down sides of mental health struggles, and forget to mention the incredibly positive impact taking care of and supporting our mental health can have. 

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

The art of setting boundaries is one that many struggle with, but is a necessary and fundamental life skill that leads to healthy assertiveness, self-confidence, agency, and a positive self-image. Before we can set boundaries, we must identify the behaviors we deem acceptable and those we do not, and make decisions from there that prioritize our well-being without harming others. Essentially, boundaries connect the space where our individuality ends and the realm of others begins. Mastering this skill empowers us to navigate interpersonal dynamics with clarity and ensures a healthy balance between our own personal needs and social interactions that involve others. The good news is that setting boundaries is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned, practiced, and honed. Even better, the techniques for boundary setting are quite straightforward once you know where to begin.

Managing Sobriety and Alcohol Moderation During the Holiday Season

Managing Sobriety and Alcohol Moderation During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is often associated with good food, family time, and, unfortunately for some, an abundance of alcohol. Particularly in large cities like New York City, where few people drive cars, the expectation to overindulge can be commonplace. For those who have chosen a path of moderation or abstinence from alcohol, the holidays can present unique challenges and increased exposure to triggers, increasing anxiety for many. In this blog, we will explore strategies for both alcohol moderation and abstinence, while also delving into the concept of "California sober." Additionally, we will provide valuable resources for individuals seeking support in alcohol and drug rehabilitation.

I’m Considering Beginning or Restarting Therapy - What Can I Expect?

I’m Considering Beginning or Restarting Therapy - What Can I Expect?

Beginning or returning to therapy can be a nerve-wracking experience. Taking this step is something to be proud of. You are engaging in conscious and intentional work to ask for help and to begin to build a stronger support system and understanding of yourself. While therapeutic experiences differ across practices and providers, we can provide you a glimpse into what you can expect when you begin online therapy here at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective.

How to Be Happy When Life Doesn't Look Like You Want

How to Be Happy When Life Doesn't Look Like You Want

Do you keep waiting to be happy until you have the life of your dreams? Are you working hard to get all your ducks in a row so everything will be perfectly in place in life and you can finally enjoy yourself? Do you feel like there is a list of tasks you need to cross off before having what you want in life? Stop! You don't have to wait until you have enough, feel like enough, have accomplished enough, and have met all the other "enoughs" in your mind to find joy and fulfillment in life.

Help! How Do I Handle The Narcissist in My Life?

Help! How Do I Handle The Narcissist in My Life?

Relationships are complicated, right? We've all heard that and likely experienced it, and it's not just romantic relationships; relationships with our parents, colleagues, friends, and anyone we interact with regularly can bring up challenges. While it’s true that relationships can be hard, it reaches a whole new level when the relationship is with a narcissist. The usual rules and tactics for making communication work go out the window. If you're trying to manage life with a narcissist, you need an entirely new playbook.

Spending Isolated Time with Your Partner Can Make or Break Your Relationship

Spending Isolated Time with Your Partner Can Make or Break Your Relationship

Spending Isolated Time with Your Partner Can Make or Break Your Relationship

A lot of us social distanced from others last year, but not our partner, and it revealed strengths and weaknesses in our relationships pretty quickly! No matter what the specific issue is, there will be conflict during intense together time. One way it can make you stronger is by coming up with strategies to work together, not against each other.