Beginning or returning to therapy can be a nerve-wracking experience. Taking this step is something to be proud of. You are engaging in conscious and intentional work to ask for help and to begin to build a stronger support system and understanding of yourself. While therapeutic experiences differ across practices and providers, we can provide you a glimpse into what you can expect when you begin online therapy here at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective.
Overcoming Fatigue, Burnout, and the Desire to Check Out
Here's a not-so-difficult trend to pick up on—women are burnt out. Pandemic fatigue has set in, and we're all tired, both mentally and physically, from carrying what feels like the weight of the world on our shoulders. We've lived through two years of jumping from one unknown situation to the next. Some days it felt like all we could do was keep putting one foot in front of the other. It's exhausting, and if you've hit that point, you may feel tempted to check out and just let life happen. However, we want to share a few strategies to help you resist that temptation and regain control of your life.
Can Stress Damage Our Brains? 5 Brain Healthy Activities to Do Daily
Can stress actually physically change our brains? What really happens to our brains when we're stressed?
We tend to move throughout our day and lives without giving much thought to our brain and brain health. We know it's there, we assume it's working and doing the job it needs to, and we don't think much about it until there is a problem that forces us to. But understanding how our brain works under stress can help us better understand how to manage it and keep it healthy now and in the future.
"I'll Sleep When I'm Dead!" - Why Not Getting Enough Sleep Might Actually Accelerate that End Result
"I'll Sleep When I'm Dead!" - Why Not Getting Enough Sleep Might Actually Accelerate that End Result
Lack of quality sleep leads to a general slowing of alertness and inconsistent performance, especially in terms of attention, diligence, and focus. Sleep-deprived people are also more likely to get sick and to take longer to recover, leading to more days of missed work and a negative impact on work performance.
Stress Can Physically Change Our Brains, But We Can Treat and Prevent It!
Stress Can Physically Change Our Brains, But We Can Treat and Prevent It
When we experience stressful events, the amygdala (area of the brain focusing on emotional processing) sends an emergency signal to the hypothalamus (the brain command center) that says it’s time to pick the “fight or flight” response. The good news is that we don’t have to totally overhaul our lives in order to make positive changes. Small daily habits can improve brain health and keep us sharp.