Anxiety Therapy in New York City


You find yourself lying awake at night worrying, feeling helpless as your imagination runs wild with the worst-case scenario ‘what-ifs’ of every situation. You’re constantly making lists to try to keep track of everything in your brain but somehow the lists only ever get longer, not shorter.

You’re anxious and stressed out, struggling with feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled, constantly replaying everything (both big and small) that you think you did wrong.


  • You procrastinate on tasks or responsibilities because you feel overwhelmed.

  • You feel like you are constantly on edge and can't relax, stuck in negative thought loops you can’t escape.

  • You have difficulty making decisions, even simple ones, because you overthink all the options.

  • It's hard for you to relax and enjoy the present because you’re always worrying about the future.

  • You’re afraid of letting people down, especially if you don't meet their expectations or your own.

  • You compare yourself to others a lot, and it always makes you feel like you're not good enough.

Your anxiety may be bad enough that it’s getting in the way of your functioning, or maybe it’s not that bad, but it’s still making you realize you don't want things to continue as they are.

Anxiety is a natural human emotion that can serve a protective purpose in some situations and motivate us to pursue goals in others.

But when your anxiety becomes excessive, it can be overwhelming, difficult to manage, and paralyzing.

You don’t have to feel guilty, inadequate, stressed, frustrated, or overwhelmed anymore.


man in a suit contemplates his own reflection

THE GOOD NEWS IS: You don’t have to be ruled by your anxiety.

Therapy for anxiety can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like yourself - the self you want to be and know you could be if all of the noise would just stop.

You are worth investing in. By gaining control of your anxiety through therapy, you can…

  • Increase your self-awareness by gaining a deeper understanding of your own communication styles, needs, and triggers in relationships.

  • Improve your own emotional self-regulation by learning healthier ways to manage difficult emotions and express yourself effectively.

  • Enhance your personal satisfaction by setting and maintaining healthy boundaries within relationships to protect your emotional well-being.

  • Boost your self-confidence by feeling more secure and empowered in your interactions with others.

  • Develop healthier coping mechanisms by identifying and using personalized strategies to navigate your relationship challenges.


WORK WITH ONE OF OUR THERAPISTS AND Let us help redirect that energy and channel it into something helpful instead of harmful.

No matter how severe, if you’re ready to take charge of your anxiety, we have the right therapist for you.

You deserve care.

We know that it’s easy to dismiss anxiety. It seems like everyone is suffering from anxiety these days, but that doesn’t make it any less serious.

Taking care of yourself is not a luxury–it’s essential in a fast-paced world like ours. Working with an anxiety therapist helps you manage the symptoms that are impacting your quality of life.

That’s where we come in.

We work particularly well with a subset of anxiety called “high-functioning anxiety.” These types of clients are high achievers and perfectionists whose anxiety has motivated them to succeed repeatedly. You might ask, “So then why would I need to do anything differently? This has gotten me to where I am!”

These are some of the things we hear from our high achievers:

  • “I feel like I am in a constant mental and emotional spiral.”

  • “I am a perfectionist and feel like I am chasing gold stars but never getting them.”

  • “Failure is not an option.”

  • "I often feel like my heart is racing or pounding out of my chest."

  • "I get really sweaty hands and feel overheated, even in cold weather."

  • "I constantly worry about things, even small things, and it's hard to stop."

  • "I keep going back and forth in my mind about things, even after making a decision."

  • "I spend hours thinking about the ‘what ifs’ and overcomplicating situations."

  • "The pressure to succeed is overwhelming, and I often feel anxious and stressed."

  • “I just feel ‘blah’ and have no motivation.”

  • “Sometimes I feel sick to my stomach but there’s nothing wrong with me.”

All of these things can be true alongside high-functioning anxiety. Let’s figure out together how to keep the helpful parts of your anxiety working for you and minimize the impact of the harmful parts of it.

Through a combination of Psychodynamic Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, we provide a targeted, but organic approach to therapy that gets results. 

We’ll start with open-ended discussions that deepen your relationship with your therapist and help you process your experiences and emotions. Once we have an understanding of how you got here (and what you’re facing now), we’ll change hurtful thoughts and behaviors through structured and targeted interventions.

Here’s what’s next.

  1. Fill out our contact form Share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  2. Book a free consultation. After you fill out our form, have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  3. Start anxiety therapy. Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.


A big part of overcoming anxiety involves a willingness to get uncomfortable by facing the anxiety head on and looking at the origins of where it comes from and how it shows up in your life. Because anxiety is so scary, we often avoid thinking about what the sources of our anxiety are and this avoidance is exactly what perpetuates the problem.

Although it sounds terrifying, facing your anxiety directly is the most empowering place to be because it puts the control back in your hands rather than you being controlled by it. When we do this, we teach our brains that we can absolutely handle whatever life has to throw at us. By working with your therapist on uncovering the causes of your anxieties, how they show up in your everyday life, and what new tools and skills you can develop to combat them, you will start to feel better and more in control of your life.

Stop freezing, overthinking, and dealing with constant doubt. Start pursuing the opportunities that will lead to the next phase of your life. 

You’ve worked so hard to get where you are. Now build the life you want and be able to enjoy it! 

Fill out the contact form below to get started. We’ll reach out to you within one business day to schedule a consultation with our intake coordinator. If you have any questions in the meantime, please send an email to

  • A: Not necessarily, but also maybe, if you want to! If you’re looking for brief, solutions-focused therapy, then your therapist will work with you on concrete goals within a set timeline. If you’re looking for a thought partner for the long haul, someone who will be with you through life transitions, aging, and circumstance changes, your therapist can do that, too! The relationship between you and your therapist is collaborative and individualized.

  • A: We don’t believe there’s anything fundamentally wrong with you, so we don’t look at you as a sickness to be cured. Instead, we use a technique called sublimation, which takes your anxious impulses that are currently harming you and identify ways to channel them into healthier alternatives that feel productive and meaningful to you.

  • A: We hate to break it to you, but no, probably not. The goal of therapy is not to completely change who we are, and why would we want that? You are unique, interesting, and complex! What we will do is help you channel your anxious impulses into healthy, productive, and motivating actions that actually bring you joy and fulfillment instead of rumination and catastrophizing.