emotional intelligence

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

The art of setting boundaries is one that many struggle with, but is a necessary and fundamental life skill that leads to healthy assertiveness, self-confidence, agency, and a positive self-image. Before we can set boundaries, we must identify the behaviors we deem acceptable and those we do not, and make decisions from there that prioritize our well-being without harming others. Essentially, boundaries connect the space where our individuality ends and the realm of others begins. Mastering this skill empowers us to navigate interpersonal dynamics with clarity and ensures a healthy balance between our own personal needs and social interactions that involve others. The good news is that setting boundaries is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned, practiced, and honed. Even better, the techniques for boundary setting are quite straightforward once you know where to begin.

Emotional Intelligence: The What, Why, & How of Improving Your EQ

Emotional Intelligence: The What, Why, & How of Improving Your EQ

Lately, emotional intelligence has gotten a lot of hype in the professional world, but it remains a vastly underrated skill. The term is thrown around in business articles and human resource managers trying to make the right hire. Still, critical pieces of the conversation are skipped over, such as what it really is, why it matters, and what steps you can take to develop the skill. If you're ready to see how improving your emotional intelligence can improve areas of your life, you’re in the right place because below we're sharing the details with you.

Is Toxic Positivity Hurting You? Learn to Embrace Difficult Feelings

Is Toxic Positivity Hurting You? Learn to Embrace Difficult Feelings

The past two years have been challenging for everyone, and we have all worked to deal with the impact of the constant uncertainty of the world in our own way. We worked to do our best to remain optimistic despite the rollercoaster of emotional situations placed in our path. As a result, many of us are experiencing overwhelm and burnout in 2022.

Preventing Burnout and Staying Sane During the Holidays

Preventing Burnout and Staying Sane During the Holidays

Stress, anxiety, and depression can become amplified during the holidays. Even when all of our demands are things we actually want to do, the sheer number of obligations during the months of November and December can overwhelm even the best planner.The trick to managing the season is not to think you can conquer the stressful events in your life, but rather to create conditions in which those events don't drown you. You can decrease the impact the demands of the holidays have on you while increasing your enjoyment of the season.

How Giving Yourself Grace Leads to Ultimate Growth

How Giving Yourself Grace Leads to Ultimate Growth

At some point, everyone hits a breaking point. Despite unrealistic expectations about patience and helping others first, we often just get tired of the way things are going in life. Unfortunately, the realization that life has to change is often met with feelings of failure and guilt. This stops us from taking the actions we need to live a life that aligns with our values and needs. One way to make progress is by giving yourself grace and realizing that unrealistic expectations of yourself will hurt you in the long run. In this post, you will learn how small shifts in thinking can help you make decisions that will help you accept imperfection, reach your goals, and thrive.

The Simple Attitude Change that Will Dramatically Increase Your Quality of Life

The Simple Attitude Change that Will Dramatically Increase Your Quality of Life

What if I told you there was one simple technique that could improve every aspect of your life? No, it’s not a green juice, or the newest superfood, or even meditation, though those all have their benefits. It’s a mindset shift called reframing.