
Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

Setting Healthy Boundaries: What Self-Help Books Gloss Over and How To Stay on Track

The art of setting boundaries is one that many struggle with, but is a necessary and fundamental life skill that leads to healthy assertiveness, self-confidence, agency, and a positive self-image. Before we can set boundaries, we must identify the behaviors we deem acceptable and those we do not, and make decisions from there that prioritize our well-being without harming others. Essentially, boundaries connect the space where our individuality ends and the realm of others begins. Mastering this skill empowers us to navigate interpersonal dynamics with clarity and ensures a healthy balance between our own personal needs and social interactions that involve others. The good news is that setting boundaries is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned, practiced, and honed. Even better, the techniques for boundary setting are quite straightforward once you know where to begin.

How to Be There For a Friend Facing Losing Everything

How to Be There For a Friend Facing Losing Everything

How to Be There For a Friend Facing Losing Everything

The most important priority when talking to a friend facing losing everything is to validate their emotions. Right now they are feeling a jumble, likely ranging from fear, panic, and sadness to anger, resentment, and bitterness. They might blame themselves, their boss, the government, or any number of other factors that you might find unreasonable. The primary way to be there for them is to be supportive. No one wants unsolicited advice, and they definitely don’t want you to tell them it will all be okay when you can’t know that. Once they have experienced their emotions enough to feel like they can see a bit more clearly, or if they ask you specifically for advice, here are some ways to support them.

The Wedding You Were Going to Attend is Canceled. Now What?

The Wedding You Were Going to Attend is Canceled. Now What?

The Wedding You Were Going to Attend is Canceled. Now What?

Every one of us knows someone whose wedding had to be postponed or canceled completely during Covid-19. Now that large gatherings are happening again, some couples are finding that their venue can’t accommodate them for months or even years due to the backlog. How can you support your friends during this time?