
Tired of Failing at New Year's Resolutions? Here’s a Simple and Effective Strategy to Set You Up For Success Instead.

Tired of Failing at New Year's Resolutions? Here’s a Simple and Effective Strategy to Set You Up For Success Instead.

Tired of Failing at New Year's Resolutions? Here’s a Simple and Effective Strategy to Set You up for Success Instead.

As we head into a new year, you might start to think about New Year's Resolutions to help you reach the goals you want to achieve in the year ahead. That works well for some of us, but what about those of us who have the best intentions but end up falling short of our goals year after year? The research says to start with why you want to pursue those particular goals.

Is Toxic Positivity Hurting You? Learn to Embrace Difficult Feelings

Is Toxic Positivity Hurting You? Learn to Embrace Difficult Feelings

The past two years have been challenging for everyone, and we have all worked to deal with the impact of the constant uncertainty of the world in our own way. We worked to do our best to remain optimistic despite the rollercoaster of emotional situations placed in our path. As a result, many of us are experiencing overwhelm and burnout in 2022.

Is Perfectionism The Real Struggle You’re Facing? How to Identify the Symptoms of Perfectionism

Is Perfectionism The Real Struggle You’re Facing? How to Identify the Symptoms of Perfectionism

There are a lot of different reasons why women in NYC decide to reach out to an online therapist. We hear from women regularly who have anxiety at work, struggle with relationships, want to resolve their feelings about their parents, or build stronger coping skills. However, many of the women we work with ultimately come to share similar experiences and the same underlying frustrations.

How Giving Yourself Grace Leads to Ultimate Growth

How Giving Yourself Grace Leads to Ultimate Growth

At some point, everyone hits a breaking point. Despite unrealistic expectations about patience and helping others first, we often just get tired of the way things are going in life. Unfortunately, the realization that life has to change is often met with feelings of failure and guilt. This stops us from taking the actions we need to live a life that aligns with our values and needs. One way to make progress is by giving yourself grace and realizing that unrealistic expectations of yourself will hurt you in the long run. In this post, you will learn how small shifts in thinking can help you make decisions that will help you accept imperfection, reach your goals, and thrive.

The Simple Attitude Change that Will Dramatically Increase Your Quality of Life

The Simple Attitude Change that Will Dramatically Increase Your Quality of Life

What if I told you there was one simple technique that could improve every aspect of your life? No, it’s not a green juice, or the newest superfood, or even meditation, though those all have their benefits. It’s a mindset shift called reframing.

Because You're Worth It

Because You're Worth It

Too many women are afraid to negotiate because they will look greedy, ungrateful, or unlikeable. Many women have absolutely no practice negotiating, so even if they want to, they don't know where to begin. Women who don't negotiate for their salaries leave, on average, one million dollars on the table over the course of their lifetimes. Don't be that woman - read this guide and close that gender pay gap!