negative self-talk

Understanding How Social Media Can Impact Your Mental Health & How To Reduce Its Negative Impact

Understanding How Social Media Can Impact Your Mental Health & How To Reduce Its Negative Impact

Understanding How Social Media Can Impact Your Mental Health & How To Reduce Its Negative Impact

In this day and age, most of us spend many hours a day on social media. While there are many benefits to social media, including increased information sharing and maintaining connection with more friends and family, it can have a variety of detrimental impacts on our minds and bodies.

10 Things You Can Do to Overcome Anxiety in 2022

10 Things You Can Do to Overcome Anxiety in 2022

The past two years have been filled with events and world circumstances that have pushed anxiety levels to the max. On top of that, we're all still facing the common obstacles and life situations that can cause anxiety, such as relationships, careers, and finances. If you're starting to feel like it's all too much and there seems to be no end in sight, we're here for you.

Is Perfectionism The Real Struggle You’re Facing? How to Identify the Symptoms of Perfectionism

Is Perfectionism The Real Struggle You’re Facing? How to Identify the Symptoms of Perfectionism

There are a lot of different reasons why women in NYC decide to reach out to an online therapist. We hear from women regularly who have anxiety at work, struggle with relationships, want to resolve their feelings about their parents, or build stronger coping skills. However, many of the women we work with ultimately come to share similar experiences and the same underlying frustrations.

How to Stop Catastrophizing & Why “Expecting the Worst and Hoping for the Best” Doesn't Help

How to Stop Catastrophizing & Why “Expecting the Worst and Hoping for the Best” Doesn't Help

How to Stop Catastrophizing

We often think that if we can “plan for the worst and hope for the best” then we will be both prepared for disappointment and pleasantly surprised by success. Unfortunately, what we fail to realize is how powerful our minds are, and that when we plan for the worst, we unconsciously create conditions for the worst to come true.

The Simple Attitude Change that Will Dramatically Increase Your Quality of Life

The Simple Attitude Change that Will Dramatically Increase Your Quality of Life

What if I told you there was one simple technique that could improve every aspect of your life? No, it’s not a green juice, or the newest superfood, or even meditation, though those all have their benefits. It’s a mindset shift called reframing.