
What is Summertime Sadness?

What is Summertime Sadness?

What is Summertime Sadness or summer-pattern Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Seasonal Affective Disorder is not just for the cold, dark, winter months. It can also affect people when it is sunny and warm out, in which case it is known as summer-pattern SAD or summer depression. On the physiological side, Vitamin D can only be absorbed from the sun without sunscreen, so even if you are spending more time outdoors, you may remain Vitamin D deficient if you're protecting your skin with high SPF (we can’t win!). On the psychological side, social media is a large contributor to these feelings of summer sadness because when we see our friends, peers, or even strangers posting about their fun summer activities, we feel like the kid being excluded from the cool lunch table. It makes us feel friendless, alone, and unworthy. 

How to Stop Catastrophizing & Why “Expecting the Worst and Hoping for the Best” Doesn't Help

How to Stop Catastrophizing & Why “Expecting the Worst and Hoping for the Best” Doesn't Help

How to Stop Catastrophizing

We often think that if we can “plan for the worst and hope for the best” then we will be both prepared for disappointment and pleasantly surprised by success. Unfortunately, what we fail to realize is how powerful our minds are, and that when we plan for the worst, we unconsciously create conditions for the worst to come true.