
Unraveling the Misconceptions: Understanding Neurodivergence in ADHD and Autism

Unraveling the Misconceptions: Understanding Neurodivergence in ADHD and Autism

Unraveling the Misconceptions: Understanding Neurodivergence in ADHD and Autism

April 2nd is World Autism Day, and since we work with many adults with diverse diagnoses, we wanted to shed some light on neurodivergent conditions like Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and how they’re commonly misunderstood. You probably know plenty of neurodivergent people and don’t even realize it, or maybe you’ll see some of your own traits in this blog! The term neurodivergent is an umbrella term that describes people who have different neurological abilities from those who are considered “typical” (though we don’t love that terminology since everyone’s brains are wildly different from one another!), which includes both ADHD and ASD. These conditions, though widely recognized, are often surrounded by misconceptions that can lead to stigma and alienation.