Finding Your Place: Identity Exploration and Mental Health in Young Adults

The journey of self-discovery and establishing your identity is a significant part of young adulthood. It is during this phase that individuals explore various aspects of their lives, including personal values, career aspirations, relationships, and societal roles. While this exploration is crucial for personal growth and development, it can also pose challenges to mental health. 

A young man sits on the ground as the sun shines down. Identity exploration is a key part of young adulthood. Get the support you need with Therapy for Young Adults in NYC.

​​The Quest for Identity

As young adults transition from adolescence to adulthood, they embark on a quest to discover who they are as individuals. This process involves questioning established beliefs, experimenting with new ideas, and seeking experiences that align with their evolving sense of self. Identity exploration encompasses various domains, such as cultural and ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, career choices, and personal values. It is an ongoing, dynamic process that can be both exciting and challenging.

Challenges Faced

While identity exploration can be invigorating, it also can bring a range of challenges that can impact mental health and overall well-being. The pressure to conform to societal expectations, uncertainty about the future, fear of judgment, and internal conflicts can all contribute to stress, anxiety, and feelings of confusion. Additionally, the digital age and social media influence can intensify these challenges, as young adults compare their journeys with curated versions of others' lives, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Impact on Mental Health

The link between identity exploration and mental health is complex, but not one we haven’t helped our clients work through. Engaging in the process of self-discovery, especially with the help of a therapist, can provide a sense of purpose, autonomy, and fulfillment. However, unresolved conflicts or difficulties in finding one's identity can lead to increased vulnerability to mental health issues in the future. Young adults may experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and identity crises as they navigate this transformative period, and those symptoms may continue to manifest throughout adulthood.

A young woman with blue hair looks away from the camera. Discover who you are meant to be with the help of Therapy for Young Adults in NYC.

Embracing Identity: Challenges for the LGBTQ Community:

As we navigate the vast landscape of identity, it's crucial to acknowledge the unique challenges faced by individuals in the LGBTQ community. Exploring one's sexual orientation and gender identity can be an incredibly personal and sometimes daunting process. Society's heteronormative expectations and prejudices can often create barriers, leading to feelings of isolation, confusion, and self-doubt.

Overcoming Internalized Phobias

The journey of self-discovery for LGBTQ young adults may involve overcoming internalized homophobia or transphobia, grappling with the fear of rejection from loved ones or society, and navigating the intricacies of coming out. These challenges can significantly impact mental health, leading to increased rates of anxiety, depression, and self-esteem issues. It's essential for therapy practices to create safe and inclusive spaces where LGBTQ individuals can explore their identities, receive support, and celebrate their authentic selves.

Celebrating Diversity: Identity Exploration for People of Color:

Identity exploration is a multifaceted experience, and for young adults from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, it can bring its own unique set of challenges and triumphs. People of color often face the complex task of reconciling their cultural heritage with the broader societal norms and expectations prevalent in their respective communities.

Wrestling with Issues of Belonging

The exploration of racial and ethnic identity can involve grappling with issues of belonging, navigating systemic racism, confronting stereotypes, and confronting intergenerational traumas. These experiences can have a profound impact on mental health, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and a sense of alienation.

A young black woman sits in a relaxed pose with gold sunglasses. Overcome the anxiety of young adulthood with Therapy for Young Adults in NYC.

A Culturally Sensitive and Inclusive Environment

Our therapy practice strives to create a culturally sensitive and inclusive environment, where young adults of color can explore their identities free from judgment. Encouraging conversations about race, embracing cultural diversity, and providing support for individuals' unique experiences are essential for promoting mental well-being and fostering a sense of empowerment.

Navigating the Journey: Therapy as a Compass:

Embarking on an identity exploration journey can feel overwhelming at times. That's where Therapy for Young Adults becomes a valuable compass, guiding young adults through the maze of emotions, self-reflection, and growth. The therapists at our practice can offer a safe space for you to explore your identity, process your feelings, and develop coping strategies.

Find the Support You Need in Therapy for Young Adults in NYC!

Through a combination of open dialogue, empathy, and evidence-based techniques, therapy can help young adults gain self-awareness, build resilience, and navigate the challenges that arise during the identity exploration process. By creating a supportive relationship, our therapists at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective can empower you to embrace your unique identities, foster self-acceptance, and cultivate positive mental well-being. 

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.

We offer specialized services for related issues like Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, and Therapy Specifically for Young Adults. We can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like the self you want to be.

Contact us here to get started today!

Navigating the Twists and Turns: Mental Health Challenges in the Transition to Adulthood

The journey from adolescence to adulthood often feels like a roller coaster ride, filled with exhilarating highs, unexpected twists, and daunting drops. While this transitional period, whether it be from high school to college, or college to the “real world”, can bring newfound freedom and opportunities, it can also present unique challenges, particularly when it comes to mental health. As young people navigate the uncharted waters of adulthood, they may encounter various stressors, uncertainties, and societal pressures that can significantly impact their mental well-being. Here are some of the reasons you might be struggling in this transitional period, and some of the things you might be struggling with: 

A group of young adults congregate in a coffee shop talking representing the transition to adulthood and the anxiety that comes with it. Therapy for Young Adults in NYC can help.

Identity Exploration:

The transition to adulthood is marked by a profound search for a unique identity. Young adults tend to grapple with questions about their purpose, values, and passions, leading to internal conflicts, a lack of a sense of direction, and the need for boundary-setting with those closest to them. This period of exploration and self-discovery can place significant strain on mental health, as individuals strive to establish a sense of belonging and direction, while also figuring out who they are in the context of our world. 

If you feel like you’re struggling to figure out who you really are and who you want to be, we’d recommend: 

  • Journaling about the things that are most important to you, the things that bring you the most fulfillment, and the people, places, and things that make you feel most at ease. 

  • Engaging in conversations with the people you look up to and the people you love. Talk to them about their journeys and passions. You might learn more about yourself than you think! 

  • Try Therapy for Young Adults! A therapist can help you explore your identity from an intersectional, unbiased lens. We’re trained to ask the right questions to help you understand yourself better. If this would be your first time starting therapy, you might want to check out our blog about Effective Therapy Options in NYC.

A young man stands with his arm on a fence overlooking the city as he contemplates the transition to adulthood. Therapy for Life Transitions in NYC can help you develop a plan of action for your future.

Academic and Career Pressures:

The pursuit of higher education and the demands of career planning can be overwhelming for anyone, let alone the people who are doing it for the very first time. The pressure to excel academically, secure a promising career, and make life-altering decisions can contribute to anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy. It can be crucial to foster a healthy perspective on success, emphasizing personal growth, resilience, and the importance of self-care throughout the process. We know that can be hard, trust us, we feel it too, but we also know focusing on a holistic understanding of success can really help you feel grounded in the long term. If this is your first time planning for the future, here are some tips for doing so:

Planning For the Future:

  •  Setting realistic goals for yourself that are both long-term and short-term. Smaller things, such as sending out a few job apps, as well as long-term things like owning your own business, can help you feel like you’re working toward something, but also fulfilling your need for accomplishment along the way. Make sure not to set anything in stone though… life tends to throw us curve balls when we least expect it! 

  • Integrate a sense of balance in your life right from the start. That means finding time for things that bring you joy, spending time with people you love, and cultivating self-care practices.

  • Career counseling and therapy can also be great tools for managing the pressures of academia and career planning! 

Financial Responsibilities:

Entering adulthood often involves taking on new financial responsibilities. The challenges of budgeting, managing debt, and finding stable employment can create substantial stress and anxiety. As a young adult, you may find yourself struggling with financial insecurity, or at least the threat of it, which can impact your mental well-being. Equipping yourself with financial literacy skills, developing an understanding of things like budgeting and saving, and learning about your relationship with money can mitigate some of the mental health challenges associated with financial responsibilities.

That last piece we just mentioned, the relationship with money, can be a tricky one to understand. Some people grew up in homes that really stressed the importance of saving, others didn’t have that luxury.

Questions you might want to ask yourself in beginning to understand your relationship with money include: 

  • What kind of conversations did we have about money in my house growing up? 

  • What do I feel when I think about spending money? 

  • Have I ever felt secure in the amount of money I’ve had? 

Social Relationships and Loneliness:

The transition to adulthood may bring about changes in social dynamics, with shifts in friendships, romantic relationships, and familial bonds. The pressure to maintain a thriving social life, coupled with feelings of loneliness or isolation, can profoundly impact mental health. As therapists, we encourage young adults to build supportive networks, foster a sense of belonging through community engagement, and promote open discussions about mental health.

We also wrote a blog about combating loneliness, which you can read here!

Two young women sit on top of a car as they ponder the future. Therapy for Young Adults in NYC can help guide you through these transformative years.

Emotional and Mental Resilience:

Adulthood demands emotional and mental resilience to navigate the complexities and uncertainties of life. Developing coping mechanisms, stress management techniques and self-care practices can be instrumental in maintaining good mental health. 

Some things you can do to start developing those skills are: 

  • Talking to your therapist, or starting to talk to a therapist if you don’t already have one! 

  • Journaling 

  • Finding a routine that works for you

  • Building a life around supporting your mental health, not the other way around.

The transition to adulthood can be a tumultuous and transformative period, riddled with mental health challenges. As a therapy practice, we get that and are here to support you through all of the ups and downs that come with growing into your true self and taking on the world by storm. If you think you could use some help, reach out to us today by filling out the form (link to the form) and setting up a free 20-minute consultation with one of our therapists!

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.

We offer specialized services for related issues like Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, and Therapy Specifically for Young Adults. We can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like the self you want to be.

Contact us here to get started today!

Thriving in Healthy Environments: Cultivating Positive Boundaries for LGBTQ+ Individuals

Currently, the rights and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals are under attack. Members of the affirmative care for their mental health and overall well-being. This is especially true in the many US states that are creating anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, such as Florida, Alabama, and Texas. The LGBTQ+ community is facing unique and unprecedented challenges and barriers to receiving 

An individual with splatters of paint on their face and hair representing the colors of the LGBTQ flag. Learn to thrive in your life despite the challenges society brings with LGBTQ Therapy and LGBTQ Affirming Care in NYC.

The Hostile Political Landscape

Given the social and political attacks on the rights of the queer community, we understand that it can be difficult for LGBTQ+ folks to feel safe in their environments. Many LGBTQ+ individuals encounter societal prejudices, discrimination, and the pressure to conform to heteronormative standards, which can have a profound impact on their mental health. LGBTQ+ therapy and affirming care can play a crucial role in providing the necessary support for individuals to thrive in and foster healthy environments. 

In this blog, we will explore the significance of LGBTQ+-affirming therapy, the benefits it offers, and how individuals can find LGBTQ+ therapists and counselors who are attuned to their unique needs.

Understanding the Importance of LGBTQ+-Affirming Care

LGBTQ+ affirming care is a therapeutic approach that recognizes and validates the identities, experiences, and concerns of LGBTQ+ individuals. It aims to create a safe and inclusive space where clients can explore their thoughts, feelings, and challenges without fear of judgment or rejection. This form of therapy is crucial because it acknowledges the impact of societal stigma and discrimination on mental health, while also promoting self-acceptance, empowerment, and resilience.

Benefits of LGBTQ+ Specialized/Affirming Therapy

Validation and Affirmation:

LGBTQ+ affirming therapy provides a space where individuals can express their authentic selves without fear of invalidation. This validation is essential for developing a positive self-image and nurturing a sense of self-worth.

Identity Exploration:

LGBTQ+ therapy offers an opportunity to explore and understand one's sexual orientation, gender identity, and the intersectionality of various aspects of personal identity. It can help individuals navigate the complexities of self-discovery and provide support during the coming-out process.

Coping with Discrimination and Stigma:

LGBTQ+ individuals often face discrimination and stigma, which can lead to internalized shame, anxiety, and depression. LGBTQ+-affirming therapists are equipped to address these challenges and help individuals develop effective coping strategies to navigate such adversities.

Building Healthy Relationships:

LGBTQ+ therapy can assist individuals in establishing healthy boundaries and developing skills for forming and maintaining positive relationships. It offers guidance on communication, intimacy, and addressing potential conflicts within LGBTQ+ partnerships and friendships.

Finding an LGBTQ+ Therapist or Counselor


Seek recommendations from LGBTQ+ support groups, community centers, or LGBTQ+ friendly healthcare providers. They may have a list of therapists who specialize in LGBTQ+ affirming care.

Online Directories:

Utilize online directories that specifically focus on LGBTQ+ therapists, such as the "Psychology Today" directory. These directories often allow you to search for therapists based on location, expertise, and identity.

LGBTQ+ Organizations:

Reach out to local LGBTQ+ organizations or advocacy groups. They often maintain databases of LGBTQ+-affirming therapists and can provide valuable recommendations.

Initial Consultations:

Once you find potential therapists, schedule initial consultations to discuss their approach, experience working with LGBTQ+ individuals, and their commitment to providing affirming care. This meeting will help determine if you feel comfortable and supported in their presence.

Two LGBTQ individuals show their support for each other at a rally. Reach out today and get the support you need to set healthy boundaries. LGBTQ Therapy in NYC is here for you.

Creating Healthy Boundaries in Daily Life

In addition to seeking therapy, LGBTQ+ individuals can proactively cultivate positive boundaries in their daily lives:


Prioritize self-care activities that promote mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy, practice mindfulness, and surround yourself with positive influences.

Community Support:

Seek out and participate in LGBTQ+ community events, support groups, or online forums. Connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide a sense of belonging and support.

Education and Advocacy:

Stay informed about LGBTQ+ issues, rights, and resources. Engage in advocacy efforts, when you feel safe and have enough energy to do so, and be an ally to promote positive change within your community.

Establishing and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

Thriving in healthy environments requires LGBTQ+ individuals to establish positive boundaries and access affirming care. LGBTQ+ therapy can be instrumental in this journey, providing validation, support, and tools for personal growth. By actively seeking to affirm care and cultivating positive boundaries in daily life, LGBTQ+ individuals can foster mental well-being, resilience, and a sense of empowerment. Remember, you deserve to thrive in an environment that celebrates and supports your unique identity. 

Three LGBTQ youth stand together supporting each other. Get the support and LGBTQ Affirming Care you need with LGBTQ Therapy in NYC.

If You Are Ready to Start Setting Healthy Boundaries That Allow You to Thrive, Reach Out to Our Gender Affirming LGBTQ+ Therapists and Start LGBTQ+ Therapy Today!

In the face of ongoing attacks on LGBTQ+ rights, it is crucial to prioritize the mental health and well-being of individuals within the community. LGBTQ+ affirming therapy offers a safe and inclusive space where identities, experiences, and concerns are validated and understood. It provides a multitude of benefits, including validation and affirmation, identity exploration, coping with discrimination and stigma, and building healthy relationships. At the New York City Psychotherapy Collective, we are committed to providing LGBTQ+ affirming care. Reach out to us here today to be matched with a therapist who can support you on your journey.

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.

We offer specialized services for related issues like Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, and Therapy Specifically for Young Adults. We can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like the self you want to be.

Contact us here to get started today!

Navigating Workplace Toxicity as an LGBTQ+ Individual: Strategies for Self-Care and Advocacy

As an intersectional therapy practice, and human beings living in NYC, we support our clients who are members of the LGBTQ community both in our individual practices and in the realm of advocacy. We live in a country where Pride parades, celebrating love and true expressions of self, are happening simultaneously with anti-trans legislation in our governments. The National Human Rights Campaign has declared a national state of emergency for LGBTQ+ folks, given the increased legislative assault against this community. 

A gay pride protest in support of the LGBTQ community. If you are dealing with workplace toxicity because you are LGBTQ, working with an LB+GBT Therapist can help you understand your rights and develop coping skills.

Know Your Rights

If you’d like to know your rights in each state, the NHRC has listed LGBTQ+ legislation on its website here.

An Alarming State of Affairs

It is unfair, alarming, and disheartening that individuals who are part of the LGBTQ+ community are and have been dealing with prejudice, discrimination, and dehumanization on so many levels. 

Workplace Toxicity is a Common Issue for the LGBTQ Community

One place we’ve seen this discrimination manifest in our work with clients is in the way of workplace toxicity. Discrimination, prejudice, and harassment persist in many work environments, making it unfortunately crucial for individuals to develop strategies for self-care and advocacy. As an intersectional therapy practice, we understand the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals and aim to provide empowering strategies to navigate workplace toxicity effectively.

Acknowledge Your Emotions:

The first step in addressing workplace toxicity is to recognize and validate your emotions. Experiences of discrimination and microaggressions can be deeply hurtful and emotionally draining. Give yourself permission to feel your emotions without judgment. Seek support from friends, loved ones, or a therapist who can provide a safe space for you to express your feelings.

Cultivate Self-Care Practices:

Self-care is essential for maintaining your well-being in the face of workplace toxicity. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. This may include practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical exercise, pursuing creative outlets, or spending time in nature. Prioritize self-care consistently to build resilience and foster a sense of balance.

Seek Allies and Support:

Building a network of allies and support within your workplace can be invaluable. Connect with coworkers who are accepting and understanding, as they can provide emotional support and solidarity. Consider reaching out to LGBTQ+ employee resource groups or affinity networks, where you can find like-minded individuals who share similar experiences and may offer guidance or mentorship.

Two LGBTQ people support each other as they deal with workplace toxicity. LGBTQ Therapy in NYC is a great resource for self-empowerment.

Document Incidents:

It is crucial to document any instances of workplace toxicity, including discriminatory comments, harassment, or unequal treatment. Keep a record of dates, times, locations, and the individuals involved. This documentation can serve as evidence if you decide to pursue formal channels such as filing a complaint or seeking legal recourse. Remember to consult with legal professionals to understand your rights and options.

Educate Yourself and Others:

Knowledge is power. Educate yourself about workplace policies, laws, and your rights as an LGBTQ+ individual. Understanding the legal protections and anti-discrimination policies can help you navigate the system more effectively. Consider sharing this information with colleagues, managers, and human resources to promote awareness and a more inclusive work environment.

Advocate for Inclusive Policies:

If you feel like you have the energy and desire to do so, you can become an advocate for change within your workplace. Many individuals feel so burnt out from the experience of a toxic workplace, that they don’t want to, or feel like it should be their job to advocate for themselves. We hear you, and that feeling is valid. But, if you’re feeling up to it, you can work with others to encourage the implementation of inclusive policies, diversity training, and anti-discrimination measures. If you feel safe to do so, you can consider sharing your experiences and insights during diversity and inclusion initiatives or proposing LGBTQ+-related events or workshops. Your voice can have a significant impact on fostering a more inclusive workplace culture.

Explore External Support:

If workplace toxicity becomes overwhelming or persists despite your efforts, consider seeking external support. Connect with LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations, legal services, or professional counseling to explore your options. These resources can provide guidance, advice, and assistance in navigating complex situations and ensure your rights are protected.

You Are Not in This Fight Alone

Navigating workplace toxicity as an LGBTQ+ individual can feel like it requires resilience and a proactive approach to advocacy, but we want you to know that it’s not all on you. You don’t have to carry this burden alone. By acknowledging your emotions, prioritizing self-care, seeking allies, documenting incidents, educating yourself, advocating for inclusive policies, and accessing external support when needed, you can empower yourself to navigate toxic work environments. Remember, you deserve to work in an environment that embraces diversity, respects your identity, and values your contributions.

A gay couple stand nose to nose smiling as they have found support to overcome adversity through LGBTQ Therapy in NYC.

If You Are Facing Workplace Toxicity as an LGBTQ Individual, LGBTQ Therapy in NYC is Here to Help and Support You.

If you feel like you could use some additional support in navigating a workplace that isn’t supporting you, the therapists at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective are here to help and support you. Our therapists uphold our ethical standard to always continue learning both as practitioners and supervisors, for example by taking continuing education courses like “Fundamentals of Therapy with LGBTQ Clients,” and “Intersectional Authenticity with LGBTQ+ Clients,” among others. We encourage you to pursue frank and open discussions with your therapist of how race, culture, gender, sexuality, and any other identity markers will show up in the room during your work together.

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.

We offer specialized services for related issues like Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, and Therapy Specifically for Young Adults. We can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like the self you want to be.

Contact us here to get started today!

Combating Loneliness Over the Summer as a College Student in NYC

As therapists in New York City, we’ve noticed that the fear of and coping with loneliness over the summer seems to be a consistent trend for our college-aged clients, especially as the spring semester comes to an end. This experience seems to be especially difficult for the students who are staying on their college campuses over the summer while their friends head home to their families or are living elsewhere for the summer. We want you to know that you’re not alone, and we’ve done some research and gathered some tips to help you feel connected and content over the summer holiday. 

A lonely student sits on a bench alone during the summer months. Learn to cope with these feelings of loneliness and anxiety with the help of Therapy for Anxiety in NYC.

Loneliness Can Peak During the Summer Months

Loneliness is a common experience for college students in general, but it can be particularly acute during summer break when you’re not connected to your peers through classes, clubs, greek life, etc. So, what can college students do to cope with loneliness during summer break?

Here are some strategies for coping with loneliness that we recommend:

Stay connected with friends:

Just because you're not in school doesn't mean you can't stay in touch with your friends. Thanks to technology, it's easier than ever to stay connected with people even if you're miles apart. Scheduling a weekly time for yourself to give a friend a call, or to have a group Facetime with your besties can really help you stay connected, the in-the-know and fight off that summer loneliness. 

Get involved in NYC-based activities:

New York City is home to a wide range of community activities and events, many of which are free or low-cost. Look for opportunities to get involved in things that interest you, whether it's a local sports league, a volunteer organization, or maybe a weekly trivia event that you enjoy attending, it can all help you feel like you have people to spend time with and feel like you have a home in the big city.

Take advantage of resources on your college campus:

Even if you're not on campus during the summer, many colleges and universities offer resources and support for students who are struggling with loneliness or other mental health challenges. Check to see if your school has a virtual counseling center or support group that you can participate in, or reach out to a trusted faculty member or staff member for guidance and support. 

A young woman who stayed on  campus during the summer breaks battles loneliness and anxiety. Get the help and support you need with Therapy for Anxiety in NYC during these times.

Cultivate self-care practices:

Taking care of yourself is important for both your physical and mental health, and it can also help you cope with feelings of loneliness. Social media can make us feel like self-care always has to be about face masks and gratitude lists, but sometimes self-care looks like stepping out of your comfort zone, setting boundaries, or taking small steps toward a larger goal. Make a point of practicing self-care every day, whether it's by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, or engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Remember that self-care looks different for everyone, so find the practices that work best for you. 

Seek out professional support:

If you're struggling with loneliness or other mental health challenges during summer break, don't hesitate to seek out the support of a therapist. A therapist can help you explore your feelings and develop coping strategies that work for you. Speaking with someone weekly can also help you feel seen and heard when loneliness is creeping in. They can also provide a supportive and non-judgmental space where you can talk about your experiences and work through any challenges you're facing.

We Work With a Wide Range of Mental Health Challenges

At the New York City Psychotherapy Collective, we work with college students who are struggling with a range of mental health challenges, including loneliness, anxiety, depression, and overall life changes. We understand that it can be difficult to reach out for help, especially if you're feeling isolated or disconnected from others, or feeling like your problems aren’t significant enough for therapy. That's why we offer a safe and confidential space where you can talk about your experiences and work through any challenges you're facing without judgment. 

A lone college student eats alone in his apartment during the summer break when all of his friends went home. Find support and care in this challenging time with Therapy for College Students in NYC and reconnect with the world.

Ready to Begin Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, and Beyond in NYC?

Whether you're struggling with loneliness, anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges, we're here to support you. Reach out to our skilled team of therapists at the New York City Psychotherapists to schedule your free 15-minute consultation with a therapist that can help you feel your best all summer long.

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.

We offer specialized services for related issues like Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, and Therapy Specifically for Young Adults. We can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like the self you want to be.

Contact us here to get started today!

The Transition Out of College: Tips to Be Successful

Whether you're graduating from college and starting a new chapter, or just taking a break for the summer, leaving college can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. We're here to offer some tips and guidance on handling this transition, including the importance of starting therapy to deal with these anxious feelings.

A diverse group of college students preparing for the transition to a college free life representing a group of individuals who may be experiencing anxiety. Therapy for Anxiety in NYC can help navigate this transition.

Feeling a Wide Range of Emotions is Okay

First things first: feeling a wide range of emotions during this time is okay. You may feel excited about the possibilities that lie ahead, or anxious about the uncertainties of the future. You may miss the familiarity and routine of college life, or feel relieved to be done with the stress of exams and deadlines. Whatever you're feeling, it's important to acknowledge and process those emotions rather than trying to suppress or ignore them. This is where therapy at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective can be incredibly helpful.

Therapy is a Valuable Tool For Life Transitions

Starting therapy can feel intimidating, but it can also be a valuable tool for managing the transition from college. Therapy provides a safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings, gain new perspectives, and develop coping strategies for dealing with stress and uncertainty. It can also be a source of support and validation during a time when you may be feeling lost or alone. If you're considering starting therapy, feel free to reach out to us at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective, and we can set you up with a therapist who will be a perfect fit to help you in your journey. 

In addition to therapy, here are a few other tips for navigating the transition from college:

A group of college students hike in the mountains taking time to reflect on their college careers. Map out the next steps in your life without anxiety in Therapy for Anxiety in NYC.

Take some time to reflect:

Whatever your post-college plans are, it's essential to take some time to reflect on your college experience and think about what you want to get out of the next phase of your life. This period of reflection can look different for everyone! Some people like to hit the hiking trails and reflect on nature, others like to journal about their experiences, and some like to chat with friends and family.

Make a plan:

Whether you're starting a new job, moving to a new city, or just taking a break for the summer, having a plan can help alleviate some of the anxiety and uncertainty around the transition. Set goals for yourself and create a realistic timeline for achieving them. Use resources like career centers, job boards, and LinkedIn to explore career options and network with professionals in your field.

Stay connected:

Leaving college can be isolating, especially if you're moving to a new city or starting a new job where you don't know anyone. Make an effort to stay in touch with friends from college and build new social connections wherever you go. Join local clubs or organizations that align with your interests, attend networking events or meetups, or even try online platforms like Bumble BFF or Meetup to find like-minded people.

Take care of yourself:

The transition from college can be physically and emotionally taxing, so it's important to prioritize self-care. Make time for exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether that's reading, hiking, or watching your favorite TV show. And don't be afraid to seek out professional support if you're struggling with mental health concerns like anxiety or depression.

Embrace the uncertainty:

The transition from college is inherently uncertain. You may not know where you'll be living in six months, or what your career trajectory will look like. But instead of seeing this uncertainty as a negative, try reframing it as an opportunity for growth and exploration. Lean into your curiosity and take risks that align with your values and goals. Remember, it's okay to change your mind or take a detour along the way. Life is a journey, not a destination.

A young man celebrates his graduation from college free of anxiety and fear thanks to the help of Therapy for Anxiety in NYC.

Prepare to Live Your Best Life with Help From Therapy for Anxiety in NYC.

We hope these tips are helpful as you navigate the transition from college. Remember, you don't have to go through this alone. The therapists at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective are here to support you! If you’d like to get more content from us that includes tips for managing your mental health, subscribe to our newsletter to receive bi-monthly updates straight to your inbox. 

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.

We offer specialized services for related issues like Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, and Therapy Specifically for Young Adults. We can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like the self you want to be.

Contact us here to get started today!

Summer Burnout: Tips For Maintaining Mental Health Over Summer

Summer break is finally upon us. It's a time when students get a break from the stress of classes and exams. It’s a time that’s often thought about all year, but did you know that summer burnout is a real thing? Yes, you read that right. The season that's supposed to be all about rest and rejuvenation, especially for high school and college students, can actually leave you feeling drained and overwhelmed.

A young woman gets ready for summer break mentally preparing for the feelings of burnout and stress  that come. Therapy for Anxiety in NYC can help you overcome these feelings and truly enjoy the summer months.

We Frequently Work With College-Aged Individuals

As a therapy practice that has therapists who often work with college-aged individuals, we want to help you avoid burning out and maintain your mental health over the summer. In this blog post, we'll be sharing some tips and tangible tasks that you can incorporate into your summer routine to help accomplish your goals while minimizing anxiety and burnout.

What is Summer Burnout?

First things first, let's talk about what summer burnout is. It's when you feel exhausted and overwhelmed during the summer months, despite not having the usual academic workload. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as feeling pressure to make the most of your summer, experiencing changes in routine, or simply feeling burnt out from the past academic year. Whatever the reason, it's important to recognize that summer burnout is a real thing and that you take steps to prevent it.

So, what can you do to avoid summer burnout and maintain your mental health over the summer? Here are some tips:

Set realistic expectations for your summer.

It's easy to get caught up in the idea of having the "perfect" summer, but it's important to remember that perfection is impossible. Instead of putting pressure on yourself to have the most exciting and productive summer ever, set realistic expectations for what you want to accomplish. This could be as simple as reading a book or trying out a new hobby. If you’re in a summer job or internship, this can look like goal-setting toward improvement and learning, rather than accomplishment and achievement. 

Maintain a routine.

One of the biggest culprits of summer burnout is a lack of routine and consistency. While it can be tempting to stay up late and sleep in every day, it's important to maintain some sort of structure to your day. This could mean setting a regular wake-up time, scheduling regular exercise or self-care activities, or planning out your meals.

A college student stays connected with friends and family during the summer months to avoid burnout and stress by taking a trip with them. Therapy for Anxiety in NYC can help you develop healthy coping skills for the summer months. Learn more here.

Stay connected with friends and family.

Summer can be a time when social connections dwindle, as people go on vacation or simply enjoy the warm weather alone. However, it's important to stay connected with the people in your life who bring you joy and support. This could mean setting up regular phone calls or video chats, planning nights out with friends, or joining a summer sports league.

Practice self-care.

Self-care is important year-round, but it's especially important during the summer months when you may have more free time. This could mean anything from taking a relaxing bath to going for a walk in nature. It can also mean making plans for the summer that support your long-term goals and being kind to yourself throughout the process of working toward those goals. The key is to find activities that help you feel calm and refreshed, without pressure to do so.

Try something new.

Summer is a great time to try out new hobbies or activities. This could be something as simple as trying a new recipe or as adventurous as taking up a new sport. Trying new things can help you feel more energized and engaged with the world around you.

Now that we've talked about some general tips for maintaining your mental health over the summer, let's get into some tangible tasks that you can incorporate into your routine. Here are a few ideas:

Start a gratitude journal.

Gratitude journaling is a simple but effective way to boost your mood and maintain a positive outlook. Set aside a few minutes each day to write down a few things you're grateful for. This could be anything from the sunshine to a kind gesture from a friend.

Volunteer in your community.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and connect with others. Look for local organizations or charities that could use your help, and commit to volunteering once a week or once a month.

Take a digital detox.

Constantly checking social media and email can be draining and overwhelming. Taking a digital detox can help you connect with yourself and the people around you, rather than getting sucked into the expectations of social media and the self-comparison that often comes along with it. 

A college student takes time out for self-care by swimming and disconnecting from social media. Learn more tips for surviving the summer months with Therapy for College Students in NYC.

Therapy for Anxiety in NYC Can Help You Overcome Summer Burnout.

Along with all of these helpful tips, therapy is also an amazing tool to help you avoid summer burnout and anxiety! Our therapists at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective are always looking to help our clients take the rest and relaxation they deserve and manage their anxiety, both in and out of the summer months. If you think therapy might be the right option for you, reach out to us today!

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.

We offer specialized services for related issues like Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, and Therapy Specifically for Young Adults. We can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like the self you want to be.

Contact us here to get started today!

Finding Calm in the Concrete Jungle: Effective Anxiety Therapy Options in NYC

New York City is known for its hustle and bustle, fast-paced lifestyle, and crowded streets. While living in the Big Apple can be exciting, it can also be stressful and anxiety-inducing for some.

A shot of the city streets of New York representing the hustle and bustle culture. Overcome the stress with Therapy for Anxiety in NYC today.

There Are Many Options for Anxiety Therapy in NYC

Thankfully, New Yorkers have access to a variety of anxiety therapy options to help them find calm amidst the chaos. Our therapists at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective are here to help you understand what’s what with anxiety management and therapy techniques, especially the ones we focus on in our practice.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

One of the most widely used and effective anxiety therapies is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is a talk therapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anxiety. It is traditionally a short-term therapy that typically lasts between 12 and 20 sessions. Further, it has been shown to be effective in treating a range of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. Many therapists, however, do not use the 12-20 session model but rather integrate elements of CBT into their broader psychotherapy practices, which is what we do here at New York City Psychotherapy Collective.

Identifying Negative Thought Patterns

Many therapists at our practice integrate CBT practices into their work with clients to help ease their sense of anxiety. During CBT, the therapist will work with the client to identify negative thought patterns and behaviors that are contributing to their anxiety. Then they will help them rewire those patterns to develop new, more positive ways of thinking and behaving.

A beautiful Indian businesswoman takes a break from the rat race on the steps of her building representing a woman who has learned coping skills in her Therapy for Anxiety in NYC.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy Techniques

Another anxiety therapy option available to help you manage the non-stop nature of NYC is mindfulness-based therapy. There are a variety of techniques used in mindfulness practices. However, as a whole, these therapies focus on bringing awareness to the present moment and developing an accepting and non-judgmental attitude toward one's thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness-based therapies can include meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques, amongst other mindfulness practices.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

One popular and particularly effective mindfulness-based therapy is mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). MBSR is a targeted eight-week program that teaches participants how to use mindfulness to reduce stress and anxiety. The program includes guided meditation, gentle yoga, and group discussion. The program has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety and improving overall well-being.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Another mindfulness-based therapy is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT is a talk therapy that uses mindfulness and acceptance to help individuals develop psychological flexibility. This therapy encourages individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings rather than trying to control or avoid them. The therapy also helps individuals identify their values and take action toward them, even in the presence of uncomfortable thoughts and emotions.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is another anxiety therapy option available in NYC that people find extremely helpful and has a unique way of allowing participants to feel seen amongst a group of like-minded individuals. Group therapy provides you with a safe and supportive environment to share your experiences and feelings with others who are going through similar struggles.

A Community Who Understands Your Struggles

There’s nothing quite like finding a community of other people who understand exactly what you’re going through, without feeling judged or lonely in the process. Group therapy can be particularly beneficial for people who are struggling with social anxiety. Group Therapy provides them with an opportunity to practice social skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Oftentimes, therapy groups will integrate some of the other anxiety management practices we mentioned earlier.

Here Are Some Group Therapy Specializations:

  • CBT-Based Groups

  • Mindfulness-Based Groups

  • Support Groups

A modern confident woman sits on the steps in front of grafetti covered wall representing someone who has overcome anxiety with Online Therapy for Women with Anxiety in NYC.

An Affordable Option

One of the benefits of group therapy is that it is often more affordable than individual therapy. It can also provide individuals with a sense of community and connection, which can be particularly helpful for those who are feeling isolated or alone in their struggles with anxiety.

Self-Care Practices

In addition to these therapy options, there are also several self-care practices that individuals can use to manage their anxiety.

These practices include:

  • exercise

  • healthy eating

  • getting enough sleep

  • engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy and relaxation

If you’re struggling to do these things, regardless of the knowledge that they will help you feel better, therapy might be a great way to find the drive and motivation to accomplish these goals.

Ready to overcome anxiety and build the life you want?

Reach out to us at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective to be set up with a therapist who can help you conquer your anxious thoughts, stay present at the moment, and help you feel supported as you go through the non-stop day-to-day life of living in NYC.

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.

We offer specialized services for related issues like Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ Affirming Therapy, and Therapy Specifically for Young Adults. We can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like the self you want to be.

Contact us here to get started today!

Coping with Financial Anxiety: Tips from an Anxiety therapist in NYC.

Coping with Financial Anxiety: Tips from an Anxiety therapist in NYC.

How to Cope when Everyone’s Talking About a Recession and the Stress of Financial Issues is Overwhelming: Advice from an Anxiety Specialist in NYC

If you’re feeling the impacts of the pay gap and this potentially pending financial stress and unrest in the financial world or are a bit overwhelmed and wondering how this may impact you, you may be experiencing some symptoms of anxiety. Check out the blog to identify your symptoms and some ways to cope right now.

How to Manage Burnout and Take Care of Yourself Better

How to Manage Burnout and Take Care of Yourself Better



While burnout is a symptom of a stressor, we often can’t entirely eliminate the stressors present in our life. So, learning how to manage the impact of stress and prioritize our well-being is the best way to manage and reduce burnout. Go to Part 1 to review what burnout is, how to spot it, and what causes it!

What is Burnout, What Does it Look Like, and What Does it Mean?

What is Burnout, What Does it Look Like, and What Does it Mean?



By now you’ve probably heard of burnout. In our culture of wellness and self-care trends, we are often told that if we buy this new lotion, pay for a massage or a facial, or attend a retreat we can cure our burnout. And while that may be true, these quick fixes don’t often address the underlying causes of burnout and address the lifestyle changes that can help us reduce and prevent further burnout. 

Mental Health Resources for Black History Month

Mental Health Resources for Black History Month

Black History Month 2023 has arrived! We believe in the fundamental importance of engaging in anti-racist work and acknowledging and addressing the obstacles that members of the Black Community face daily and in their search for mental health care and support. We believe that therapy and medical care should be accessible to everyone and something that all people can feel comfortable and confident using to feel and live their best. It is our responsibility as socially just and anti-racist therapists to engage in work everyday to enhance our anti-racist practice, educate ourselves, and work to provide supportive therapeutic spaces and opportunities for everyone. 

Understanding How Social Media Can Impact Your Mental Health & How To Reduce Its Negative Impact

Understanding How Social Media Can Impact Your Mental Health & How To Reduce Its Negative Impact

Understanding How Social Media Can Impact Your Mental Health & How To Reduce Its Negative Impact

In this day and age, most of us spend many hours a day on social media. While there are many benefits to social media, including increased information sharing and maintaining connection with more friends and family, it can have a variety of detrimental impacts on our minds and bodies.

Why Do I Feel Like I’m Running Out of Time?

Why Do I Feel Like I’m Running Out of Time?

As we get close to the end of 2022, more and more clients are coming in with the same complaint: “I feel like I am running out of time.” They note a feeling of wasting time, losing time, and a desire to appreciate and make the most out of their time. There is an underlying fear that they won’t have enough time to do whatever it is they want to do or think is important to do. This sensation of quickly running out of time spans genders, age groups, and life circumstances. Where is this coming from and why is it so acute right now?

I’m Considering Beginning or Restarting Therapy - What Can I Expect?

I’m Considering Beginning or Restarting Therapy - What Can I Expect?

Beginning or returning to therapy can be a nerve-wracking experience. Taking this step is something to be proud of. You are engaging in conscious and intentional work to ask for help and to begin to build a stronger support system and understanding of yourself. While therapeutic experiences differ across practices and providers, we can provide you a glimpse into what you can expect when you begin online therapy here at the New York City Psychotherapy Collective.

How to Overcome Body Image Issues and Enjoy the Beach Body You Already Have

How to Overcome Body Image Issues and Enjoy the Beach Body You Already Have

Summer is heating up, and if you're like many women, you're struggling with insecurity about your "beach body." You may be emotionally beating yourself up because you didn't spend the winter hitting the gym to be beach ready, or you may have started a fad diet to try to slim down fast. You may even be avoiding attending events because you don't like how you look in your summer clothes. It's time to let go of the "beach body" pressure!

Improving LGBTQIA+ Mental Health & Being a Better Ally

Improving LGBTQIA+ Mental Health & Being a Better Ally

It's Pride Month, and we want to use this opportunity to stand alongside the community and spread awareness around the LGBTQIA+ mental health challenges resulting from discrimination. LGBTQIA+ is an inclusive term that includes people of all genders and sexualities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and allies. While each letter in LGBTQIA+ stands for a specific group of people, the term encompasses the entire spectrum of gender fluidity and sexual identities.