body positivity

How to Overcome Body Image Issues and Enjoy the Beach Body You Already Have

How to Overcome Body Image Issues and Enjoy the Beach Body You Already Have

Summer is heating up, and if you're like many women, you're struggling with insecurity about your "beach body." You may be emotionally beating yourself up because you didn't spend the winter hitting the gym to be beach ready, or you may have started a fad diet to try to slim down fast. You may even be avoiding attending events because you don't like how you look in your summer clothes. It's time to let go of the "beach body" pressure!

How to Cope with Different Types of Stress in 2021

How to Cope with Different Types of Stress in 2021

Our bodies are designed to do so much more than look cute in jeans!

That said, it’s totally normal to have feelings of self consciousness, embarrassment, shame, and guilt regarding their weight gain and changes to their outer appearance. Clients are stating they feel uncomfortable in their clothes, uncomfortable with their body shape and size, and fear for what others might say about their weight gain.

WTF is a beach body? The beach is going to get whatever body I bring it!

WTF is a beach body? The beach is going to get whatever body I bring it!

WTF is a "bikini body" anyway?

Read on for 4 ways to let go of the pressure of having a bikini body and celebrate your own body this summer. Lean into your personality and what excites you to feel fun and confident in your bikini. We’ve spent too long away from our friends to let insecurities ruin our beach day now that we can finally have them again!