Therapy for Young Adults in New York City

Transition into Adulthood with Confidence.

A young woman on the streets of New York City in the fall representing someone who could benefit from Therapy for Young Adults in NYC.

Life doesn’t look the way you expected it to.

Remember dreaming of adulting? Now it's here, and let's be honest... it kinda sucks. You might project a put-together image, but inside, insecurity and confusion reign supreme. You constantly wonder if you're doing everything wrong.

You’re out in the world. Maybe you’re graduating, already done with college, or you’ve been working for a few years. The world considers you an adult but you look around and think, “What, ME?!” Adulting has always been hard, and there’s no user manual for it. But today? It literally could not be harder to figure out what you’re supposed to do with your life, and previous generations are no help.

From figuring out who you are to navigating relationships, work, and even what to eat for dinner, it's all a struggle when you don't feel comfortable in your own skin. You're frustrated, stuck, and maybe you’ve even tried therapy before and it wasn't the magic bullet you hoped for. The thought of starting again feels like another hurdle. But you also can’t keep going this way. You’re done with your own self-doubt. Deep down, you know you need a way out of this funk.

Here's the good news: You're not alone.

Does any of this sound like you?

  • “I often feel anxious or depressed.”

  • “I don’t have any confidence that I’m doing anything right.”

  • “I feel overwhelmed and stuck.”

  • “My negative thoughts seem to control me, making it hard to move forward.”

  • “I just want to feel understood and accepted.”

  • “This constant voice in my head tells me I'm not good enough, and I'm tired of believing it.”

  • “I want to connect with myself and others on a deeper level.”

  • “I want to believe in myself and feel peace.”

Young adulthood can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. This transformative phase of life brings about so many transitions that ultimately shape who we will become. These might make great stories when you’re looking back in 20 years, but what about when you’re in the middle of the chaos? How are you supposed to survive, let alone thrive?

We’ve been there, and we’ve got you.

A young man with earbuds in smiles while sitting on steps outside  representing the happiness that can come when you gain a better understanding of self with identity exploration in Therapy for Young Adults in NYC.

The rest of your life is a long time. Let’s make sure you’re going to live the kind of life that makes that statement thrilling instead of terrifying.

How cAN therapy help me?

  • You can…

    • Learn to manage your emotions better: Therapy equips you with tools to identify and manage your emotions, and then tackle those negative feelings by developing healthy coping mechanisms.

    • Build confidence: You'll gain self-esteem and feel empowered to take risks and explore opportunities.

    • Bounce back: Therapy helps you develop resilience to face challenges and setbacks with a positive outlook.

    • Communicate effectively: You'll learn to express yourself clearly and listen actively, fostering stronger relationships.

    • Resolve conflicts constructively: Therapy equips you with skills to navigate disagreements in a productive way, in both your personal life and at work.

    • Set healthy boundaries: Therapy helps you understand and implement healthy boundaries in all of your relationships.

    • Thrive in life: With increased self-awareness, strong decision-making skills, and a sense of purpose, you'll build a fulfilling and successful life.

A young woman rides the bus with book in hand while smiling representing someone who has gained confidence by connecting with a Young Adult Therapist in NYC.

Our therapists who work with young adults are experienced and also get that you’re facing very specific challenges that are different from people of different ages. They can both support you in building a strong foundation and also challenge you to grow from there to create a truly fulfilling life..

Through therapy, you will unlock your potential, navigate your path with confidence, and live a life filled with meaning and success. With a deeper understanding of yourself, the development of strong decision-making skills, and a clear sense of purpose, you'll be empowered to navigate your journey and thrive.

Begin this journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment as you navigate this stage of life and beyond.

  • A: Our therapists cover the age spectrum, from big sister to thoughtful uncle. We prioritize finding you the perfect fit over everything else, so speak up about your preferences and we will make sure to match you with the person who is going to best help you reach your goals.

  • A: Your therapist is highly skilled at listening to a bunch of jumbled thoughts and pulling out the common threads, important insights, and areas to focus on first. You don’t have to come in with anything more concrete than a desire to feel better. We’ll work with you on the rest.

  • A: Even if your parent/guardian is paying for therapy or you are using their health insurance benefits, they do not have access to anything that is discussed in therapy. They might ask, they might expect to be included, and they might even feel entitled to this information, but your therapist has a relationship with you, who is their client, and no one else. Your therapist will discuss confidentiality with you in your initial intake session, and will let you know the rare exceptions to it (if your safety is at imminent risk, if a court subpoenas the information, or if you request information be shared with a parent, guardian, or other medical provider). Otherwise, what is said in therapy stays in therapy.