career coaching

How to Overcome Anxiety Of Capitalism and Women's Work

How to Overcome Anxiety Of Capitalism and Women's Work

We are at the tail end of financial literacy month. There is a lot to unpack as women regarding finances and emotions, especially now. We haven't been able to eliminate the gender pay gap. We are underrepresented in the financial industry. And after seeing how women were disproportionately impacted in the workforce during the pandemic, you may be wondering, does any of it even matter?

How to Manage Anxiety When You Can't Control the World So You Can Actually Get Stuff Done

How to Manage Anxiety When You Can't Control the World So You Can Actually Get Stuff Done

How to Manage Anxiety When You Can't Control the World So You Can Actually Get Stuff Done

During a time of external crisis, our biological drive to predict and prepare for the worst possible outcomes can backfire, causing employees to become paralyzed by fear of the unknown. Successful employees often thrive on taking action. They see a problem, they identify a solution, and they execute. When the desire to take action can’t be met, employees can feel increased anxiety with no outlet for it.

How to Find Joy in Your Work Again

How to Find Joy in Your Work Again

How to Find Joy in Your Work Again

The past year and a half has taken its toll on all of us. For many of us, navigating work, parenting, relationships, health, and worry has left us on autopilot, having a hard time finding enjoyment in anything. If you used to like your job, or even if you never did, you have an opportunity to try to find some level of fulfillment from your work again as you look forward to returning to some version of normal.

The Great Resignation: Whether You're Hiring or Seeking, How to Make Sure It's the Perfect Fit

The Great Resignation: Whether You're Hiring or Seeking, How to Make Sure It's the Perfect Fit

The Great Resignation: Whether You're Hiring or Seeking, How to Make Sure It's the Perfect Fit

Whether you’re the hiring manager looking to fill roles after your workforce fled for a quieter life in the suburbs or a job-seeker who is ready to take a leap into something new, here are 3 strategies for each role to ensure you are both the perfect fit for one another.