Top Rated Therapy for Women - New York City

Navigating life in NYC can be particularly tough for women. Struggling with imposter syndrome and the challenge of balancing demanding careers with family responsibilities, concerns about personal safety and dating, and dealing with wage gaps and housing affordability all make the obstacle to meeting society's standards feel like a significant hurdle. Addressing and understanding each of these challenges can feel overwhelming, and that’s where we come in!

Here at New York City Psychotherapy Collective, we prioritize the right fit between client and therapist over everything else, so that you can work with someone who truly understands the issues you face as a woman in this world. We provide compassionate and supportive care in a safe space for self discovery so you can feel confident moving forward.

Understanding the challenges that NYC women face

Women in New York City face a range of challenges, despite the city's reputation for diversity and opportunity. Some key issues include:

  1. Housing Costs: The high cost of living in NYC often makes it difficult for women, especially single mothers or those with lower incomes, to find affordable and adequate housing. This can make women feel anxious over concerns about choosing a safe space to live in and overextending themselves financially.

  2. Gender Pay Gap: Women in NYC, like in many other places, still face a gender pay gap. This can create concerns about how feelings of being behind in life financially will impact women's lives for the next 40, 50, or 60+ years. That's a long time to worry about.

  3. Workplace Discrimination: Women can encounter various forms of discrimination in the workplace, including challenges related to advancement, equal opportunities, and harassment.

  4. Safety Concerns: Issues such as street harassment and fear about personal safety are significant for many women in the city. While NYC has made strides in addressing these issues, they remain a concern for many residents. Many women still do not feel comfortable walking alone at night or in certain neighborhoods. These behaviors can lead women to feel they have to spend more money to live in certain places, or to choose not to go out as often due to the cost of taking a cab home instead of the subway, which can increase depression.

  5. Work-Life Balance Issues: Struggling to balance work and personal life can contribute to mental health challenges. The pressure to succeed professionally while managing personal responsibilities can be overwhelming. Clients often come to us wondering how to succeed at work while also juggling their relationship with their children, their family, other women, their body, dating and romantic relationships, and any other area where low self esteem can cause self defeating thought processes.

  6. Body Image Issues: The societal pressures and media representations prevalent in NYC can contribute to body image issues and related disorders, such as eating disorders. Women are held to an impossible standard of beauty, which causes negative self talk to become a constant inner monologue. Many women struggle to separate out the external voices from the internal ones, causing many issues like anxiety, depression, and self sabotaging beliefs about their worthiness if their bodies don't fit a certain mold.

  7. Societal messages: We tell girls to be careful and safe but we tell boys to be adventurous. Women receive the message that they should worry more than men extremely early and cby the time they reach puberty, their likelihood of having an anxiety disorder is almost twice that of their male counterparts. Thanks to historical gender roles, women have long been painted as the caretakers and the people who get all of the mundane domestic tasks done. Even today, when men and women are equally likely to work outside of the home, women still bear the burden of emotional labor in their relationships and household task division.

Addressing these issues often requires a multifaceted approach, including improving access to affordable healthcare, creating supportive work environments, and fostering community connections. Initiatives that focus on empowering women, creating a safe environment, and providing mental health support can play a crucial role in improving overall well-being and happiness for women living in NYC.

Benefits of therapy

Therapy for women in NYC can offer numerous benefits for women’s mental health and overall well-being. However, finding the right fit between the therapist and the individual is crucial for maximizing these benefits. Here are some potential benefits of therapy for women and the importance of finding a good match:

  1. Enhanced Self-Esteem: Therapy helps individuals gain insight through a deeper understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This increased self-awareness can empower women and lead to personal growth and better decision-making.

  2. Improved Coping Skills: Counseling can teach effective self care strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges, enabling women to handle life’s difficulties more effectively.

  3. Stress Management: Therapy provides tools and techniques to manage stress, helping individuals to cope with life’s pressures in a healthier way. This can rewrite some harmful thought patterns that can exacerbate depression and anxiety.

  4. Emotional Support: Counseling provides a safe space for women to express their emotions and experiences without judgment, which can be validating and comforting. Our clients get to explore their concerns, feel heard no matter how much their feelings are dismissed in their lives, and make sense of their own feelings.

  5. Conflict Resolution: Therapy can help individuals and couples develop healthier ways to resolve conflicts and communicate more effectively, improving relationships. Psychodynamic therapy in particular helps our clients understand where some of their default reactions are rooted in childhood experiences, and replace those with more helpful thought patterns.

  6. Behavioral Change: Counseling can assist in identifying and modifying maladaptive behaviors and patterns, which can create to positive changes in daily life and interactions. Women can learn to overcome anxiety symptoms that cause them to lose confidence, use positive self talk to reframe self sabotaging beliefs, and improve their self esteem.

Importance of Finding the Right Fit:

  1. Comfort and Trust: A good therapeutic relationship is built on trust and comfort. Feeling at ease with a therapist is vital because it allows for open and honest communication, which is essential for effective therapy. Finding a therapist for women's issues in New York means not only finding someone who has the skills necessary for dealing with your struggle, but someone who understands the nuance and complexity of day-to-day life in this great city.

  2. Alignment with Goals: Different therapists have various approaches and specialties. Finding a therapist whose methods align with your goals and preferences ensures a more effective therapeutic process. In your first conversation with your counselor, you will be able to get a sense of how they operate, what kind of therapeutic environment they create, and how they will be able to help you improve your life.

  3. Cultural and Personal Compatibility: It’s important that your therapist respects and understands your cultural background and personal experiences. This cultural competence can enhance the relevance and effectiveness of the therapy.

  4. Experience and Expertise: Working with a therapist who has experience in dealing with specific issues or conditions relevant to you can improve the quality of care and outcomes. Instead of being a generalist, they should be focused on a specific area and interested in being a subject matter expert on it.

Finding the right therapist often involves some trial and error, and it’s okay to switch therapists if the first one you see doesn’t feel like a good fit. The therapeutic process is personal, and the right match can significantly enhance the effectiveness of therapy and contribute to meaningful and lasting improvements in your well-being. Counseling for women in NYC can take on many forms, and you need to talk to someone who understands your life.

Why choose the New York City Psychotherapy Collective

  • We prioritize the right fit:  We want you to connect with someone who is right for your unique needs so that you can build an authentic connection. Therapy with us involves developing a long-term relationship that helps you understand your past, take ownership of your present, and make positive strides toward your ideal.

  • Our clients trust our expertise: Clients describe us as “caring, sympathetic, compassionate, patient, and easy to talk to.” They also describe our therapists as “collaborators and great guides who give me the space to spill out a load of stuff I had held onto.” Finally, we commonly hear that our therapists allow our clients to “feel seen, heard, validated, supported, AND challenged in the best way possible.”

  • We are diverse: We pride ourselves on diversity within our staff in every area, from gender, age, religion, race, ethnicity, and languages spoken to therapeutic styles, approaches, and modalities.

  • We are modern, accessible and convenient: You need therapy that meets you wherever you are, which is why we offer convenient online therapy throughout New York City and State. All you need is a quiet space and an internet connection. Our platforms are completely secure, HIPAA compliant, and easy to access from anywhere, including laptops, phones, and tablets.

Meet our therapists for women in NYC

At New York City Psychotherapist Collective, all of our therapists have their own unique specialties but we want to highlight some clinicians who specialize in providing therapy for women. 


As a therapist, Anjna works with college students and young adults just entering the workforce. Anjna has been successful in helping clients find relief from painful past experiences and overcome barriers towards meeting their goals. In your work together, clients will be able to discover new insights about themselves and get to the root of their challenges. Anjna’s goal is to help clients regain control of their lives and see long term change.

Credentials: Mental Health Counselor - Limited Permit (MHC-LP)

Permit number: P130898 (New York)

  • Education/degree: 

    • CUNY Brooklyn College, Master’s in Mental Health Counseling, 2024

    • CUNY Hunter College, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture, 2022

  • Teletherapy Modalities used: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Person-Centered Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Psychodynamic

  • Specialty areas: Trauma, Anxiety, Relationships, Life Transitions, Boundaries, Family Conflict, Life Transitions, Mood Disorders, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, Stress, Women's Issues


As a therapist, Maggie works with adults in their 20s and 30s dealing with a history of unresolved pain. With a keen awareness of both individual factors and the impacts of social injustice and intersectional oppression, Maggie supports her clients on their journeys of personal growth towards true healing. Maggie utilizes mindfulness practices, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), somatic therapy, and narrative therapy to help her clients understand and reimagine past experiences, challenge negative thinking, and promote holistic healing within their minds and bodies.

Credentials: Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW)

License number: 120158 (New York)

  • Education/degree: 

    • Columbia School of Social Work, Master of Social Work 2023

    • Tufts University, Major: American Studies (BA), Minor: Mass Communication and Media Studies 2014

  • Teletherapy Modalities used: Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Based Therapy (CBT), Somatic Therapy, Narrative Therapy

  • Specialty areas: Adolescent Issues, Anxiety, Coping Skills, Depression, Family Conflict, Life Transitions, Mood Disorders, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, Stress, Women's Issues

3. Julia Laplaza, LMHC

As a therapist, Julia works with college students and young adults just entering the workforce. Julia has been successful in helping clients find relief from painful past experiences and overcome barriers towards meeting their goals. In your work together, clients will be able to discover new insights about themselves and get to the root of their challenges. Julia's goal is to help clients regain control of their lives and see long term change.

Credentials: Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)

License number: 013659 (New York)

  • Education/degree: 

    • CUNY Baruch College, Master’s in Mental Health Counseling, 2021

    • SUNY New Paltz, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture, 2018

  • Teletherapy Modalities used: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Person-Centered Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Psychodynamic

  • Specialty areas: Trauma, Anxiety, Relationships, Life Transitions, Boundaries, Family Conflict, Life Transitions, Mood Disorders, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, Stress, Women's Issues

therapy for women new york

4. Allison Soss, LMHC

As a therapist, Allie helps women overcome negative self-talk, life transitions, relationship issues, and imposter syndrome and achieve an increased understanding of feelings, emotions, relationships, communication, and self-worth.

Credentials: Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)

License number: License #013301 (New York)

  • Education/degree: 

    • SUNY Oswego, Bachelor of Arts in Human Development with a minor in Communication and Social Interaction, 2019

    • CUNY Baruch College, Master’s in Mental Health Counseling, 2021

  • Teletherapy Modalities used: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Person Centered Therapy

  • Specialty areas: Anxiety, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, Boundaries, Communication, Coping Skills, Depression, Life Transitions, Peer Relationships, School Issues

counseling for women nyc

5. Gabriella Giachin, LMSW

As a therapist, Gabby works with young adult women to navigate life transitions, improve their relationship with their body and improve their body confidence, and support them in finding solace and peace of mind.

Credentials: Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW)

License number: License #117251 (New York),  License #44SL07099100 (New Jersey)

  • Education/degree: 

    • Columbia School of Social Work, Master of Social Work 2022

    • University of Miami, Major: Advertising Management (BS), Minors: Psychology, Marketing, Spanish 2018

  • Teletherapy Modalities used: Psychodynamic Therapy and Cognitive Based Therapy (CBT)

  • Specialty areas: Adolescent Issues, Anxiety, Coping Skills, Depression, Eating Disorders, Family Conflict, Life Transitions, Mood Disorders, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, Stress, Women's Issues

6. Laina Mason, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor

As a therapist, Laina brings over 15 years of counseling experience, specializing in helping women navigate the challenges of both historical and recent traumas, including sexual violence, as well as major life transitions. 

Credentials: Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)

License number: License #082556 (New York)


  • School of Social Welfare, University at Albany, SUNY | Albany, NY 2010 | Master of Social Work (Clinical & Macro Practice Foci)

  • Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy, University at Albany, SUNY | Albany, NY 2010 | Certificate in Non-Profit Management

  • Ithaca College | Ithaca, NY 2005 Bachelor of Science | Park School of Communication, Minors in Psychology and Public Relations

    Teletherapy Modalities used:

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)

  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

  • Schema Therapy

  • Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT)

  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

  • Polyvagal and Somatic Experiencing

    Specialties: Life Transitions, Depression, Trauma and PTSD, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Body Positivity, Borderline Personality (BPD), Cancer, Chronic Illness, Codependency, Coping Skills, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Family Conflict, Grief, Mood Disorders, Open Relationships Non-Monogamy, Parenting, Peer Relationships, Personality Disorders, Pregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, Sex-Positive, Kink Allied, Sexual Abuse, Stress, Suicidal Ideation, Thinking Disorders, Veterans, Women's Issues

7. Jenny Maenpaa, LCSW, EdM, Practice Owner:

As a therapist, Jenny helps stressed-out, overachieving women overcome impostor syndrome and dissatisfaction. As a result of working with Jenny, women go from just chasing the brass ring to achieving sustainable happiness in every aspect of their lives.

  • Credentials: Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Master’s in Education (EdM), Founder of New York City Psychotherapy Collective:

  • License number: License #08775 (New York), License #102877 (California), License #44SC06190200 (New Jersey), Telehealthcare Provider Registration #TPSW490 (Florida)

  • Education/degree: 

    • New York University, Bachelor’s in Psychology 2007

    • Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, Master’s in Social Work with focus on Children, Youth, and Families 2013

    • New York University, Graduate Certificate in Organizational and Executive Coaching 2016

    • Boston University, Master’s in Education, Curriculum and Instruction 2018

  • Teletherapy Modalities used: Psychodynamic Therapy and Cognitive Based Therapy (CBT)

  • Specialty areas: High-functioning anxiety, burnout, imposter syndrome

FAQs about counseling for women in NYC

  • Therapy for women can encompass a wide range of topics and concerns that tend to affect women more as a group. Some common themes include gender roles and identity, body image, self-esteem, reproductive health, work life balance,relationships, trauma, and overall mental health. These issues can vary greatly among individuals, and therapy aims to address personal experiences and challenges in a supportive and tailored manner.

  • There are several reasons why a woman may prefer working with a female therapist over a male therapist, such as the shared experiences, increased comfort, cultural sensitivity, and empowerment from overlapping identities. While some women prefer female therapists, others may not for reasons such as getting a different perspective, to avoid potential biases or gender-based assumptions, or the client worrying that they will be too focused on the therapist's connection to them to focus on their own needs. While these reasons can influence preferences, it’s important to remember that the effectiveness of therapy ultimately depends on the quality of the therapeutic relationship and the therapist’s skill in addressing the client's needs, regardless of gender.

  • Choosing a therapist is a crucial step in the therapeutic process. Here are some key factors to consider:

    • Compatibility and Comfort

    • Expertise

    • Therapeutic approaches 

    • Accessibility 

    • Personal preferences 

    If you are still unsure of how to find the best therapist for your needs, click the link and let us help match you!

Take the next step toward a brighter you.

Follow these steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.