New York City Psychotherapy Collective

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WTF is a beach body? The beach is going to get whatever body I bring it!

A 'beach body' or 'bikini body' is a concept indicating some made-up vision of what a desirable body type to wear a bikini will look like: flat stomach, cinched waist, round and perky butt, medium breasts, and toned legs. It has become the picturesque motive to target women for workout plans, diet plans, health coaching, dietary supplements, and weight loss trends. The term ‘bikini body’ gained traction in the 1960’s when several companies used the term to promote weight loss trends. “If you prefer a firmer, slimmer, sexier body...a bikini body” read an ad by Pretty Body Salon in New York Magazine promoting a “flesh firming machine.” Companies like Suddenly Slenda and Slenderella International ran promotions in The New York Times and Chicago Tribune guaranteeing women ‘bikini bodies’ from their services or products. The term stuck, alliteration makes it roll off the tongue easily, and the concept of preying on women’s insecurities kept companies desperate to utilize it more.

We say, f*ck that noise. Instead, we're going to share 4 ways to let go of the pressure of having some idealized version of a human body and celebrate your own body this summer.

1. Listen and evaluate that voice in your head making comparisons. Comparison can be a healthy tool when used to support behavior change but it is not healthy when it is self-defeating. Ask yourself, “Am I looking at others wishing I had what they had?” or am I looking at others saying, “They have the confidence to do this and so can I.” The first example is self-defeating comparison. It denies self-acceptance and alienates us from ourselves. However, when we see other women wearing a bikini and proudly affirming their body in whatever shape and size, we can share their confidence and gain a sense of camaraderie.

2. Eat to support your body and your mood. Depriving your body of food for fear of looking ‘fat’ can be a disaster. Not only is it physically dangerous, especially when being in the heat and sun, but it has negative effects on mental health. Food deprivation is linked to an irritable mood, irrational thoughts, and impulsivity, none of which are desired on a day of fun in the sun. Yet, we’ve all experienced post meal bloat, fatigue, and the dreaded ‘food baby.’ Be sure to eat foods throughout the day that make you feel good. Small snacks and meals that are familiar to your body make for good choices because you’re less likely to experience these adverse effects.

3. Ignore social media and modeling advertisements. Seeing endless streams of ‘the perfect bikini body’ on our news feeds and ads can subconsciously defeat our confidence. This repetitive behavior habituates what a bikini body ‘should’ look like. We don’t often acknowledge that it’s the job of a bikini model or fitness model to look fit. They also do so with the training and guidance of many professionals - trainers, nutritionists, posing specialists, and of course the infamous Photoshop. So limit how much time you spend scrolling and focus attention on the company you’re with.

4. Have a gameplan while picking out a suit. Trying on a million bathing suits may become a daunting task, especially if insecurities start to creep out. Before picking a suit, boost your confidence by selecting colors or patterns you feel really good wearing. Ask yourself ‘Are all parts secure?’ or do you risk revealing more of yourself if a wave crashes down or water polo gets too exciting? Does it emphasize areas you like about yourself? Lean into your personality and what excites you to feel fun and confident in your bikini.

If you’d like to work with a therapist to feel your best this summer mentally and emotionally, regardless of what the scale says, reach out today!

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Click here to share some information about you so that we can match you with the perfect therapist for your needs.

  • Have a low-pressure, 20-minute call with your therapist to make sure they are the right fit.

  • Schedule your first session and start on your journey to feeling better right away.

We can help you feel less overwhelmed, more relaxed, and more like the self you want to be.

Contact us here to get started today!